Thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor or supporter of DC Cultura Fashion Show.
This year we would like to invite you to the DC Cultura Fashion Show, a Couture Event that will spotlight the fashion of cultures from around the world. This experience will be held at The Mayflower Hotel, Autograph Collection in the heart of DC. As one of the most historic hotels in Washington, D.C., the Mayflower Hotel has welcomed locals, celebrities, dignitaries, and visitors alike into its elegantly gilded hallways and gloriously appointed spaces since 1925 - playing host to inaugural balls and Ladies Who Lunch, the famous and the infamous, decades of society events and legions of guests who just wanted to be in the center of it all. The DC Cultura Fashion Show will be held inside the State Ballroom on Friday, October 28, 2022, from 8:00 pm-12:00 am. The event will present high-profile cultural couture designers, entertainment, open bar, and a selection of delightful hors-d'oeuvres, plus VIP's and socialites from the DC area and around the world. Estimated attendees of 350 people, and a reach of more than 150,000 people in the DC Metro area with our social media campaigns and marketing.
Nine designers from Indonesia, Bolivia, Ghana, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, and Uzbekistan will be presenting their collections. We have a diverse group of cultures and communities coming together.
At Cultura, we strive to bring cultural intelligence through celebrations to the forefront of the DC community, and without our sponsors and supporters, we wouldn't be able to do so. The collective power of unity and community is what allows us to continue to educate, bring awareness and celebrate the cultures from across the globe, therefore we are extremely grateful for everyone supporting our mission. Join us in bringing more culture, and more kindness into the world!
Cultur@ Events, Inc is a company established in Maryland with the purpose of bringing awareness of cultures across nations for all to experience and have a better understanding of various diversities. In the past, we hosted successful events such as "Behind the Mask" and "Tantawawa". Behind the Mask celebrated the multiculturalism of Bolivia and brought awareness of the indigenous tribal communities and traditions severely impacted by the most recent Amazon fires. The Tantawawa event celebrated the day of the dead and showcased Bolivian traditions meant to help remember those loved ones that have passed. A tradition in Central and South American countries, including Bolivia.
Please take a moment to look through our event sponsorship package below. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Sponsorship Packages
Couture Sponsor
6 VIP Seats front row
Logo on all printed ads and online ads
Recognition on social media (Social Media Posts)
Spotlight Logo on red carpet banner and other promotional banners
Podium recognition during event
Premier sponsor on program, graphics and all advertising
VIP Group photo op with VIPs
VIP seating and access during the event
Logo plays on a looping slideshow on a TV during the event
Logo on table displays
Logo on the promotional video
Give one of the trophies "People's choice awards" to the designer winner.
Sponsor giveaway flyers/products in the VIP bags
6 VIP bags
Luxury Sponsor
- 4 VIP Seats front row
- Logo on all printed ads and online ads
- Recognition on social media (Social Media Posts)
- Spotlight Logo on red carpet banner and other promotional banners
- Podium recognition during event
- VIP seating and access during the event
- Logo on promotional videos
Logo plays on a looping slideshow on a TV during the event
- 4 VIP Bags
Sponsor giveaway flyers/products in the VIP bags
Chic Sponsor
- 2 VIP Seats front row and 2 Regular admission
- Logo on all printed ads and online ads
- Recognition on social media (Social Media Posts)
- Logo on a promotional banner
- Podium recognition during event
- VIP seating and access during the event
- 2 VIP Bags for VIP ticket holders only
Bohemian Sponsor
- 2 VIP Tickets front row seating
- Logo on all printed ads and online ads
- Recognition on social media (Social Media Posts)
- VIP seating and access during the event
- 2 VIP Bags for VIP ticket holders
Casual Sponsor
- 2 Regular Admission tickets
- Logo on all printed ads and online ads
- Recognition on social media (Social Media Posts)
Sponsor Application
**Sponsors can donate products, services and gift certificates for promotion on all printed material. If a sponsor has a product to donate for VIP bags or for the silent auction please submit the value of the product. (There will be approximately 120 VIP Gift Bags)*
If you have another amount you would like to propose for sponsorship please contact us.
Sponsorship application to be submitted with a HD Large Size PDF Logo of your company.
Sponsorship invoices will be delivered after application processing.
Sponsorship payment deadline - September 1, 2022.